UCLA Transportation was excited to be back on campus to celebrate Sustainable Transportation Month. The annual campaign, held in October, raises awareness for ways Bruins can sustainably commute to campus, such as walking, biking, carpooling, vanpooling or taking public transit.
In 2019, prior to the unusual commuting patterns caused by the pandemic, UCLA boasted a 36.3% commuter drive-alone rate, meaning approximately 63% of UCLA commuters chose a sustainable method of transportation. In comparison, the drive-alone rate for all of LA County was 74%.
After an entirely virtual campaign last year, UCLA Transportation returned to hosting on-campus outreach events at the beginning of October, with smaller events at Lu Valle Commons and Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, leading up to the Sustainable Transportation Fair at Bruin Plaza. Bruins who joined were able to win prizes while learning more about all the sustainable transportation programs the university offers. The Events Office also played a vital role in helping coordinate, plan and set up the fair, which also included 20 vendors, including L.A. Metro, Lyft, Bird and Commute with Enterprise. From the on-campus events and an online campaign, nearly 1,400 Bruins pledged to try sustainable transportation.
As more and more people return to campus, UCLA Transportation continues to use events and programs like Sustainable Transportation Month to encourage Bruins to ditch their cars and choose more sustainable modes of transportation.