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Bruins encouraged to rethink their rides

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With fall a time for fresh starts, like considering a new commute option, UCLA Transportation asked faculty, staff and students to replace a drive-alone trip with an environmentally friendly alternative as part of their annual celebration of sustainable transportation in October.

All month,the department hosted activities and events to help Bruins turn over a new leaf with how they travel to campus and collected pledges from the campus community to try walking, biking, carpooling, taking transit,or telecommuting. At the end of the month, winners were randomly selected among those who pledged to receive prizes, including gift cards, a movie package and more.

In addition to outreach events with free giveaways held at LuValle Commons, the Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center and Wilshire Center, the Sustainable Transportation Month Fair took place in Bruin Plaza on Oct. 6. Hundreds of attendees got to learn more about the department’s offerings and promotions to take advantage of, get transportation questions answered and spin a prize wheel.

UCLA Transportation’s annual celebration highlights the programs and services provided by the department, such as bike resources, free and subsidized public transit passes and discounted carpool permits.These convenient and low-cost commute options not only offer personal benefits to commuters—they help UCLA meet its sustainability goals by reducing single-occupancy vehicle trips to campus.