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UCLA Office of Equity, Diversity & Inclusion

UCLA Office of Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI)

The UCLA Office of Equity, Diversity & Inclusion is committed to upholding equity, diversity and inclusion and protecting civil rights. EDI provides information and guidance on issues related to Title IX, implicit bias, freedom of speech, and other pressing topics. They also offer year-round events, such as the EDI Speaker Series and panel discussions on recent events, and an online forum highlighting the diverse experiences of people in the UCLA community.

Report an Incident

This page can be used to report an incident of discrimination or harassment. All individuals (complainants, mandatory reporters, and third-party observers) can submit this form. If someone is nearby while you are filling out the form, there is a yellow “Quick Escape” button in the upper right corner that will allow you to quickly exit the page.

For more information about duty to report, visit the Duty to Report Sexual Violence, Sexual Harassment and all Forms of Discrimination page to read the annual reminder letter from the Office of Equity, Diversity & Inclusion.

Suggested Education

There are several training courses available for faculty and staff looking to gain a deeper understanding of discrimination and harassment. Courses include “Preventing Workplace Discrimination, Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment,” “Preventing Harassment and Discrimination,” and “Establishing Equity and Inclusion in the University Setting: Strategies, Resources and Best Practices.” For a full list of courses and resources, visit the EDI Education and Training Hub page on the Office of Equity, Diversity & Inclusion website.