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Time, Place and Manner Guidance

Guidance for where, when and how Bruins and visitors can exercise their First Amendment rights.

Review UCLA's Time, Place and Manner Guidance

UCLA Free Speech Website

Includes FAQs, the UCLA Statement on Statements, and Well-Being Resources.

Visit Free Speech at UCLA opens a new window

Office of Emergency Management

Information on Bruin Alert, Bruins Safe Online and campus safety resources.

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TLC Resources: Maintaining Instructional Continuity

Resources for Instructors and Teaching Assistants

Classroom Emergency Preparedness

This resource provides guidance for preparing and responding to emergencies in the classroom. Accompanying infographic (PDF) can be posted in non-general assignment classrooms overseen by your division, school, and/or departments.

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Navigating Classroom Emergencies — Instructor Slides

Designed to be shared with instructors and TAs to discuss emergency preparedness with students and provide guidance for emergency situations. Includes an instructional guide for presenting the materials to students and a resource guide for students.

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Teaching Strategies to Support Academic Continuity Through Difficult Times

This teaching resource offers guidance to help instructors extend support to students during times of crisis and trauma, while also reminding us of our own humanity as instructors and the need to process current events while attending to our well-being.

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Resources for Division, School, and Departmental Leadership Teams

Real-Time Classroom Occupancy Dashboard

This dashboard includes information about Fall 2024 classroom occupancy in the event building or classroom access is limited or disrupted.

Classroom Occupancy Dashboard opens a new window


Academic Continuity of On Campus Instruction Contact List

This dashboard provides information to proactively develop contingency plans for maintaining instruction in the event of a building closure.

On Campus Instruction Contact List opens a new window

Areas of Possible Campus Disruption Map

Map developed by Academic Senate noting areas of possible campus disruption informed by Spring Quarter activities. UCLA Policy 862: Major Events opens a new window

Areas of Possible Campus Disruption Map opens a new window

UCLA Zoom Guidance

Zoom Basics

UCLA ITS resources on how to get started with Zoom and additional helpful links.

Zoom Digital Toolkit opens a new window

Guidance for Work Meetings

Guidance on the proper use and administration of Zoom for remote and hybrid meetings.

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Guidance on Remote Teaching via Zoom

Basic guidance on how to protect privacy and data while addressing digital accessibility using Zoom during remote teaching.

Remote Teaching Guidance opens a new window

Teaching and Learning with Zoom Best Practices

Tips for using Zoom for teaching including using Zoom in BruinLearn, Zoom etiquette, and features for classroom engagement.

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