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Responding to COVID-19 on Campus

Reporting is required when any of the following individuals 

  • Faculty
  • Staff
  • Student
  • Invited third-party (contractor or guest invited to campus)

indicates that they have

  • Tested positive for COVID-19; or
  • Been diagnosed as a presumptive case of COVID-19; and
  • Have been present on UCLA property (excluding UCLA Health facilities) 48 hours prior to or during the symptomatic period

To report a case, follow the instructions below:

Step 1: Gather information

1. Full proper name of the exposed staff, faculty, or invited third-party (no nicknames)

2. Current contact number(s) 

3. Full name of employee's supervisor or the invited third-party's UCLA contact

4. Date(s) and location(s) on campus where they last worked or visited

5. Describe the nature of incident (e.g. hospitalized for symptoms and under review for confirmation, awaiting test results, etc.)

6. Describe any actions taken (e.g., referred to UCLA COVID Call Center; advised not to return to work until cleared; notified EH&S of potential Cal/OSHA reporting due to hospitalization, etc.)

Step 2: Direct potentially infected staff or faculty to notify the UCLA COVID Call Center

As it may be difficult to determine if an exposure occurred during the course of work-related duties, direct any potentially infected staff or faculty to call the UCLA COVID Call Center at (310) 267-3300. A nurse will provide an individualized assessment and provide guidance, which may include a recommendation for testing, quarantine instructions, and a return to work date.

Step 3: Email the gathered information to the appropriate campus authority

Staff & faculty cases: Email the UCLA COVID Call Center

Invited third-party: Email the UCLA Exposure Management Team

Students: Direct the student to call the ASHE COVID-19 Hotline at (310) 206-6217 as soon as possible

Step 4: Notify EH&S promptly if work-related and the staff or faculty was admitted to the hospital

If work-related and the individual was admitted into the hospital overnight for in-patient treatment beyond observation, call the Environment, Health and Safety (EH&S) Serious Injury Hotline at (310) 825-9797 within the 8-hour Cal/OSHA reporting timeframe as required per CCR 342.

Step 5: Arrange to have any potentially exposed spaces secured and disinfected

On-campus buildings

If the person has been in campus facilities within 48 hours of symptoms or a positive COVID-19 test, cCampus Facilitiesontact UCLA Facilities Management Trouble Call at 310-825-9236. Provide all exposed locations, including building(s) and room number(s) and Facilities Management will secure the location and provide disinfection services.

NOTE: Do not include the individual’s personal information in your report to Facilities. 

Off-campus buildings

UCLA-owned spaces: For the following buildings under the purview of Asset Management, email Michelle Morales who will coordinate with Facilities Management for disinfection.

  • 10889 Wilshire
  • 10920 Wilshire
  • 100 Medical Plaza
  • 1145 Gayley
  • 924 Westwood

UCLA-leased spaces: Cleaning should be coordinated with the landlord. Facilities Management, UCPD, and UCLA Fire can coordinate regarding securing impacted spaces prior to disinfection, if appropriate.

Step 6: Off-Hour Reporting

If the COVID Call Center is closed, instruct the person to do the following:

1. Don’t go to work or report to campus until they have received instruction on the return to work date from the UCLA COVID Call Center.

2. Call and leave a message at the UCLA COVID Call Center so that a nurse can contact them on the following business day.

3. Notify their supervisor that they are not cleared for work.

4. Email the UCLA Exposure Management Team for purposes of case investigation of any UCLA affiliates who may have been exposed.

5. Contact their primary care physician for advice, or go to urgent care or the UCLA Ronald Reagan Medical Center Emergency Department if symptoms require urgent medical care.

The supervisor should alert the Director or Dean of the Department that an individual was not cleared for work.

These instructions are for faculty, staff, students and invited third-parties who occupy buildings and spaces on UCLA property.

Reporting is required if the individual has a confirmed (positive test) or presumptive (diagnosed) case of COVID-19 and the individual has been present on UCLA property 48 hours prior to or during the symptomatic period.

Those who are working remotely and are not coming to campus for any reason do not need to notify UCLA if they have tested positive for COVID-19.

NOTE: Reporting to campus is not required if the individual only visited UCLA Health facilities as medical personnel will coordinate reporting for all patients and visitors to health facilities.

When work-relatedness is uncertain, it shall be treated as work-related (including Cal/OSHA reporting for overnight hospitalization) unless the employer can definitively prove that infection was not acquired at work.

The instructions for reporting apply to individuals in the following spaces:

-All buildings on the main campus
-UCLA-owned, off-campus properties such as Wilshire Center and University Apartments
-Non-university owned, UCLA-leased spaces occupied by UCLA and UCLA Health staff (non-clinical operations)

Buildings managed by UCLA Health are exempt from these instructions.

-Ronald Reagan Medical Center
-Santa Monica Hospital 
-UCLA Health clinics located off-campus