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Symptom Monitoring

All academic, staff and student employees reporting to work at a UCLA-owned or -leased property (excluding healthcare locations), including David Geffen School of Medicine and UCLA Health personnel who are not working in healthcare locations, are required to self-monitor for COVID-19. Consult the UCLA Requirements for COVID-19 Symptom Monitoring opens a new window for more information.

Additionally, monitoring will be triggered by exposure to or close contact with a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19 patient. CDC recommends twice-daily monitoring for the presence of fever or respiratory symptoms for 14 days from the last exposure. It is worth noting that low-risk exposure includes prolonged close contact, even if you are wearing full personal protective equipment (PPE). Individuals considered close contacts with a positive COVID-19 individual may be placed in self-quarantine and asked to self-monitor for fever or respiratory symptoms. Visit CDC Watch for Symptoms opens a new window COVID-19 webpage for details.

Yes, state and local public health orders require symptom monitoring. Please see the UCLA Requirements for COVID-19 Symptom Monitoring opens a new window for more information about which employees are required to participate.

Yes. Employees who are coming to campus on a regular basis (partial or full time) should be completing the survey on those days they will be on campus. This ensures consistency for all employees working on university property.

Yes, the daily reminder email includes an "opt-out" link, which allows you to unsuscribe. 

Note that you will need to resubscribe to the symptom monitoring survey to obtain a clearance certificate prior to any subsequent visit to campus.

No, you do not need to enroll for one quick visit; however, you should not visit campus for any reason if you are sick or have symptoms of COVID-19.

If you are working on campus for any period of time, you need to complete the online survey on those days.

No, employees working solely remotely do not need to participate.

UCLA symptom monitoring is required for faculty, staff and students at all UCLA-owned or -leased properties, both on- and off-campus.

At this time non-essential visits to campus are discouraged. Essential visits should be scheduled in advance and visitors provided clear instructions about campus protocols and requirements.

Non-UCLA affiliates who are invited to visit campus should symptom monitor per the Essential Visitor Protocol opens a new window.

Non-UCLA affiliates working or performing services on campus should follow the Third Party Contractor Protocol opens a new window and complete the Survey opens a new window prior to any visit to campus.

The employee should do the self-monitoring at home prior to coming to campus using the COVID-19 Symptom Self-Monitoring Tracker for Home Personal Use (located in Appendix A) opens a new window

-If the employee has any symptoms, they should contact the UCLA Infectious Diseases Hotline at 310-267-3300 to report symptoms and follow all instructions on testing and isolation as directed.

-If the employee does not have any symptoms, the employee should come to campus to complete the online survey from their work computer or department provided kiosk/tablet (provided that the individual does not have close contact with anyone until the survey is complete).

The survey lists COVID-19 related symptoms in alignment with CDC Guidelines. An individual who reports any of the symptoms will be directed to contact the hotline, at which point a medical professional will advise on next steps. The individual may be cleared to go to work/campus at that point, though, this determination will be made upon consultation with a medical professional via the hotline.

The survey is an honor system which relies on the user to provide honest responses. Since this is required under public health order, there are processes within Campus Human Resources, Academic Senate, and Student Code of Conduct to address instances in which a dishonest response that poses unsafe conditions could be escalated. 

There are some areas on campus where departments have instituted clearance certificate checks upon arrival to campus/entry into a facility as a component of its public health mitigation practices. This is not a requirement for general campus more broadly at this time.

Employer-administered temperature checks, while not mandated by County Order at this time, have been recommended for high-risk areas including healthcare workers, employees working in healthcare facilities, researchers performing COVID-19 research, and first responders.