Just in time for students returning to campus this fall, Facilities Management created two new outdoor study spaces for students. One is located in front of Young Research Library’s main entrance, where a deteriorating wooden trellis was replaced and new tables and chairs were installed, complete with electrical outlets and Wi-Fi. The study area is largely under the shady cover of the urban forest that grows on the south side of the library.
The second is located next to the Schoenberg Library on a formerly unused patch of turf under the shade of a large fig tree. Both projects were completed with the help of designer Janine Tchilingirian, senior principal project manager, with support from the carpenter, electrical, mason and sheet metal shops, and the grounds crew.
Facilities Management is extremely proud to provide comfortable outdoor study spaces to the campus that enable our students to enjoy the L.A. sunshine while preparing for classes, labs and exams. All of the campus outdoor study spaces can be found on the Campus Interactive Map, which is managed by the department.