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Director, Organizational Effectiveness & Development, Geraldine Zvara

What is a strategic plan and does Administration have one?
Gerrie Zvara, director of Organizational Effectiveness & Development, responds

Many have heard the term “strategic plan” used at work but may not know what it is and why we need one. Simply put, a strategic plan is a roadmap that gives an organization direction to make appropriate decisions toward achieving its long-term goals. It aligns the resources, efforts and actions contributing to the organization’s mission and vision. It is a guide that leadership uses to navigate the constant changes introduced in the work environment.

UCLA Administration has a three-year strategic plan that launched in July 2023 and will conclude in June 2026. We are approaching the midpoint of Year 2. The Administration Leadership Team (ALT) is responsible for developing the strategic plan. ALT members participate in a facilitated retreat a few months before the end of a plan to assess and analyze the operational environment and create priorities for the next term. These priorities are then translated into local initiatives that each department implements. Each initiative must have established key deliverables that can be projected throughout the 3-year plan. This approach helps the department focus its efforts annually and directs how it uses its resources to achieve the desired results. Achieving the key deliverables is used to measure outcomes.

It is important to note that the Administration Strategic Plan strongly aligns with the Campus Strategic Plan, specifically Goal 5’s emphasis on becoming a more effective institution. Our priorities to be more data-driven, optimize technology, create sustainable work practices (e.g., continuous process improvements) and provide service excellence are core elements of a high-performing organization.

The ALT has biannual updates to check progress, celebrate successes and help identify collaborative opportunities to address challenges. The higher education landscape is undergoing many changes, which may influence operations, so it is important to review our strategic initiatives to assess if they are still on track or if adjustments are needed. Having a plan is important to create direction and alignment but it does not have to stay static when new conditions suggest the current direction may no longer have the desired impact.