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BruinPost: Interim Updated Time Place Manner Policies

Key Takeaways: 

  • We have revised long-standing policies around public expression activities, events and use of UCLA properties
  • Updates aligned with mandatory directives issued by the UC Office of the President
  • The revised interim policies are effective immediately and open to 60-day public comment beginning today through November 4, 2024
  • Policies apply to all members of the Bruin community and visitors; non-compliance may lead to penalties or discipline
  • Important reminders for Public Expression Activities

Dear Bruin Community:

As we approach another academic year, we want to provide an update on the comprehensive overhaul of UCLA’s Time, Place and Manner (TPM) policies. These policies govern certain uses of UCLA property, including supporting our community in hosting events on campus and defining when, where and how Bruins and visitors can exercise their First Amendment rights on campus. 

Representatives from the Offices of the Administrative Vice Chancellor; Student Affairs; Campus Safety; Equity, Diversity and Inclusion; ASUCLA; Legal Affairs; and Administrative Policies and Compliance, along with faculty, staff and student stakeholders across campus, have reviewed, discussed and revised longstanding policies around public expression activities, events and use of UCLA properties. 

The mandatory directives issued by the UC Office of the President this summer have been incorporated into these policy updates.  

These efforts have culminated in the development of a revised series of TPM policies, effective immediately, which include the following:

  1. UCLA Policy 850: General Use of UCLA Property  
  2. UCLA Policy 852: Public Expression Activities 
  3. UCLA Policy 860: Organized Events 
  4. UCLA Policy 862: Major Events 

These policies are in effect now on an interim basis to provide direction to the UCLA community until the final policies are approved through the continuing formal review process, in accordance with UCLA Policy 100. We will obtain additional feedback from the campus community through a 60-day public review process beginning today, September 4, 2024, through November 4, 2024. To provide feedback, visit the Administrative Policies & Procedures website.

To align with the university’s mission of teaching, research and public service, and together with UCLA’s Principles of Community and True Bruin Values, the revised TPM policies aim to uphold UCLA’s commitment to freedom of expression, while prioritizing the safety, respect and well-being of our community as well as fulfilling the academic mission and maintaining other general campus operations and university functions. In line with our obligations under the First Amendment, these policies will apply regardless of the viewpoints expressed.

The policies include the following key provisions: 

1. UCLA Policy 850: General Use of UCLA Property 

This policy covers various provisions of the University of California Policies Applying to Campus Activities, Organizations, and Students and outlines the general use of university property.

Key changes include:

  1. New definition of “grounds generally open to the public” is now “Areas for Public Expression.” Such areas will include the following outdoor locations
    1. Meyerhoff Park; 
    2. Southeast corner of Dickson Court South;
    3. Bruin Plaza between Pauley Pavilion and Meyerhoff Park;
    4. Plaza between Pauley Pavilion and James West Alumni Center;
    5. East Bruin Walk between the Student Activities Center, Ackerman and north tip of Gateway Plaza; 
    6. West outdoor entrance area of Murphy Hall; and 
    7. Lawns and walkways between Meyerhoff Park, Student Activities Center, Janss Steps and east side of Powell Library.
  2. Tents, campsites or other temporary housing or other structures are not permitted on UCLA property unless they are specifically pre-approved and permitted by the UCLA Events Office and in line with campus policies.
  3. Distribution of commercial literature will require prior written agreement.
  4. Event Food Permits
    1. Campus affiliates and non-affiliates are eligible for up to four public event food permits per academic year. 
  5. Added definition of amplified sound and associated permissions that will be required for use of amplified sound. 

2. UCLA Policy 852: Public Expression Activities 

This policy was formulated to provide reasonable access for open association, discussion and debate, while at the same time providing for the safe and orderly operation of the campus. “Public Expression Activities” include leaf-letting, marches, picketing, protesting, speech-making, demonstration, petition circulation, distribution and sale of non-commercial literature incidental to these activities and similar speech-related activities.

The designated Areas for Public Expression (as noted above) on campus may be used regardless of affiliation with UCLA and without prior scheduling on a first-come basis, provided there are no scheduled organized/major events in that area.

Public Expression Activities, as defined in Policy 852, outside the designated areas are permitted in accordance with UCLA Policy 860: Organized Events and UCLA Policy 862: Major Events, and consistent with UCLA Policy 850: General Use of UCLA Property

3. UCLA Policy 860: Organized Events

This policy defines the scope, details and conditions under which university and non-affiliate individuals and groups may use UCLA property for organized events. 

Key changes include:

  1. Defined “Organized Event.”
  2. Requests for Organized Events are to be submitted via the Events Online (EOL) notification and registration system at least 10 days prior to the planned event. Completion of submission does not guarantee approval.
  3. Added procedures by category of Event Requestor (i.e., Registered Campus Organization, University unit, or non-affiliate).
  4. Amplified sound requires prior approval if used outside designated locations/hours specified in Policy 850. 
  5. Clarified that all event organizers are required to pay event production costs and Audience Management Fees (defined as basic fees, including, but not limited to, equipment rentals, services and staffing costs, including UCLA PD protection services, associated with audience safety for a Major or Organized Event).

4. UCLA Policy 862: Major Events 

The policy defines the scope, details and conditions under which university and non-affiliate individuals and groups may use UCLA property for major events.

Key changes include: 

  1. Revised definitions of “Major Event,” “Safety and Security Criteria” and “Interference Criteria.”
  2. Policy will now also apply to major events sponsored by university units, and not be limited to those by non-affiliates.
  3. Major Events to be submitted via the Events Online (EOL) notification and registration system at least 15 days prior to the planned event. Completion of submission does not guarantee approval.
  4. Added a matrix (attachment B) for who can determine an event as a major event and who can ultimately approve a major event.
  5. Added the “rules of engagement” as an attachment as a requirement for all event organizers.
  6. Clarified that all event organizers are required to pay event production costs and Audience Management Fees (defined as basic fees, including, but not limited to, equipment rentals, services, and staffing costs, including UCLA PD protection services, associated with audience safety for a Major or Organized Event).
  7. Security costs associated with a demonstration to be paid by the University within stated restrictions. Once caps are reached, no new major event is to be scheduled for the rest of the academic year except those already scheduled and approved.

Summary of Important Reminders for Public Expression Activities Governed by These Policies


  • Between midnight and 6:00 a.m., UCLA’s paved walkways and lawns, including Areas for Public Expression, are closed to all activities, except traveling to/from buildings, crossing campus, or participating in Official University Functions, Organized or Major Events as defined in UCLA Policy 850.




  • Do remain peaceful and respectful. Follow university and UCLA policies and the law.
  • Do express yourself (for example: chant, sing, use your voice) in a manner that is not disruptive to those who are learning, teaching, working or involved in university operations, and in a manner that does not drown out a speaker associated with an approved organized/major event. 
  • Do follow guidelines and timeframes for amplified sound in each Area for Public Expression.
  • Do start the process to request to use a location/venue for your event outside designated Areas for Public Expression.
  • Do carry your poster, sign, banner, flag or display by hand and don’t attach it to University property (exterior, and interior except in approved areas).
  • Do familiarize yourself with the policies on the sizes, materials and restrictions of posters, signs, banners, flags and other similar displays and follow them.
  • Do identify yourself when asked by Designated University Officials who present their credentials (e.g. Bruin ID) and are implementing campus policies or state regulations.


  • Don’t disrupt classes, workplaces, events or other university activities. 
  • Don't restrict access to any university facility or space, or block pedestrian or vehicular access to streets, walkways, buildings, parking structures or fire lanes.
  • Don’t damage or mark UCLA property, including projection of unauthorized visual displays, chalking, graffiti or other vandalism.
  • Don't bring unauthorized items such as temporary installations and/or physical structures on UCLA property during demonstrations or related activities. 
  • Don’t set up tents, campsites or other temporary housing or other structures on UCLA property unless they are specifically pre-approved and permitted by the UCLA Events Office and in line with campus policies.
  • Don’t use amplified sound when marching outside Designated Areas for Public Expression. 
  • Don’t conceal your identity with the aim of intimidating any person or group or to evade recognition or identification with the intent to violate university or UCLA policies or laws.

Please refer to this Summary of Important Reminders for Public Expression Activities (PDF) as a quick reference.

These policies apply to all community members, including faculty, staff, students, student groups and labor unions, as well as to non-affiliates as specified. Designated university officials will actively and consistently enforce rules and requirements pertaining to events, public expression activities and other general use of UCLA properties subject to these policies. Non-compliance may result in legal penalties; if the person is a student or employee, that person may also be subject to discipline in accordance with university and UCLA policies and any relevant collective bargaining agreements. Any individual or registered campus organization planning a public expression activity or campus event must review these policies and become familiar with their requirements in advance.

For questions pertaining to these policies or the policy review process, please contact Anna Joyce, director of administrative policies and strategic initiatives, at For all other inquiries, please contact

Thank you for your continued commitment to fostering a vibrant and respectful campus community. Together, we can ensure that UCLA remains a place where diverse voices are both valued and protected in a safe and orderly fashion.


Michael J. Beck

Administrative Vice Chancellor


Monroe Gorden, Jr.

Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs