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Given the evolving situation, please visit Bruins Safe Online for information about how UCLA is responding to fires in the Los Angeles region.

Information for Faculty

The contents of these FAQs are subject to change and will be updated based on new University directives and public health advisories as well as other local, state, and federal advisories and orders.

List of campus services available

The COVID-19 Prevention Training is an overview of the UCLA Safer Return to Work/COVID-19 Prevention Program. This is a Cal/OSHA mandated training which focuses on safety and public health mitigations in alignment with CCR 3205, as well as state and local public health Orders. Training assignments have been issued through the UC Learning Management System (LMS), so it should automatically appear in your “required trainings” list.

The SARS-Cov-2 vaccine education training is a separate module that is also required under the UC Systemwide Interim Policy: SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination Program. LMS assignments have not been issued, but please visit the link provided to complete the online module. You will receive a confirmation email upon completion.

Both trainings are required until further notice.

Most employees are currently working remotely; only essential personnel are permitted to report to campus.

-Faculty are permitted to come to campus if it is necessary to facilitate remote learning.
-Do not come to work if you are sick.
-Do not come to work if you are on approved administrative or other approved leave.
-Do not come to work if you have been asked to work remotely.
-Do not come to work to engage in research, except to engage in ramp down, continuity or laboratory safety work.
-Essential experiments and essential research personnel may continue, but only with the approval of designated leadership within the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research (OVCR), the David Geffen School of Medicine, the Samueli School of Engineering and the UCLA College. The OVCR is issuing more specific guidelines for on-campus research, off-campus research and clinical research activities, which will be distributed separately.
-Do not come to work to take advantage of better internet connections or fewer distractions, except for classroom or laboratory instruction for remote teaching. We understand that it may be harder for some employees to conduct work from home. UCLA has procured IT equipment and portable internet hotspots to help faculty and staff work from home. Faculty and staff can address their needs with supervisors or department chairs.
-Do not come to work to retrieve items from your office or visit colleagues required to be on campus after Friday, March 20 at 11:59 p.m. Only come to campus if you have permission from your supervisor.

If you are planning to be on-campus for any reason, you must complete the symptom monitoring survey prior to each visit. Please see the UCLA Requirements for COVID-19 Symptom Monitoring for more information.

Yes. The University is obligated to provide a safe workplace and may take necessary and reasonable steps to minimize health risks for its employees, such as requiring that employees not come to work if they have COVID-19.

If an employee has had very close contact (for example, lives in the same household) with a person with COVID-19, the employee should be told to watch carefully for symptoms including fever, cough, or shortness of breath.

Employees should stay home if COVID-19-like illness symptoms develop or go home immediately if COVID-19-like illness symptoms occur at work.

Visit CDC Watch for Symptoms COVID-19 webpage for details.

Please visit UCLA Transportations website for updated information.

Yes, if you have the newer CISCO phone set. 

-From your desk phone: Press the button for FORWARD ALL.  After you hear 2 beeps, dial 8 then 1 + phone number and hang up. 

-When you return to the office: Press the button for FORWARD OFF. 

If you would like your voicemails sent to you via email, please send an email your request to ITS.  

Yes. If you would like your voicemails sent to you via email, please email IT Services.

On March 5, 2020, UC’s Office of the President updated their directive to the UC community (including students, faculty and staff) to temporarily avoid all non-essential travel to Level 2 or 3 countries while federal travel health warnings are in effect.

To request approval to engage in essential travel, faculty should contact their deans in writing for approval.

-Educational conferences are not considered essential travel, even if you are a presenter.
-Essential travel is defined as that which is required to:
    -Preserve the safety of a research subject and which is not possible to be postponed; or
    -Preserve the results of a research activity and which is not possible to be postponed.

US Department of State issued Global Level 4 Health Advisory (March 19, 2020) for US Citizens to avoid all international travel.

Please advise employees to exercise prudence and delay international travel – especially if they are ill.

-Faculty and staff who have plans to travel abroad should be advised to check the Department of State travel advisory website for guidance. Note that the US Department of State has issued Global Level 4 Health Advisory (March 19, 2020) for US Citizens to avoid all international travel at this time.

-The CDC advises and issues notices on the status of travel to many foreign locations and countries.

-The World Health Organization has a pandemic page that posts guidance for individuals, communities and others regarding treatment, quarantine etc.

The Office of Risk Services within UCOP’s Financial Management Department has arranged for employees traveling on official University business to be covered for a wide variety of accidents and incidents, including illness, while away from the campus or primary workplace.

-This coverage is provided at no cost to the traveler.
-Coverage is accessed through automatic ticket/travel agency booking (UCLA Travel or Connexxus) or registration through UCLA Travel Insurance. Once registered, the traveler receives a welcome email providing them with the following:
    -A trip brief with useful information about their destination
    -Current alerts for that particular destination (including COVID-19 alerts)
    -Email alerts before and during the trip and health alerts up to 30 days after a trip (including COVID-19 status of travel destination)

Those traveling on official University business should be encouraged to access this information.