Welcome to 2021! I am hoping that you are enjoying the new year so far. The year started off with extremely high COVID-19 case rates, but we have seen those decline steadily from the peak experienced during the second week in January. Since then, the case rates have steadily declined on campus and in L.A. County. As a result, we are starting to enjoy a bit more freedom and a limited easing of restrictions on campus.
As of March 16, UCLA Health had administered more than 123,000 vaccine doses to health system employees, campus employees supporting the medical center operations, UCLA Health patients, campus employees and non-affiliated health care workers in L.A. County. More than 49,000 of those doses went to UCLA employees and roughly half of those doses were second doses. Although the vaccine will not automatically return our lives back to normal, it is an essential part of our recovery, will help reduce the case rates as more and more people get vaccinated, and we will see further easing of restrictions. I am sure you are all looking forward to seeing family and friends that you have not seen for nearly a year.
Although it seems that we are nearly entirely focused on responding to the pandemic and its corresponding issues, I hope you will find time to read in this issue of “News & Views” some of the other great work that is occurring across our Administration departments.
I have had the pleasure to meet with some of you during my office hour “On Deck with Michael Beck.” This is an informal opportunity to meet some new colleagues, ask questions and share your feedback with me. I welcome the opportunity to see more of you in the coming months.
I am grateful for all the incredible work occurring throughout Administration by our dedicated and talented employees, working on-site and remotely.
Stay safe,
Michael J. Beck
Administrative Vice Chancellor