Dear Colleagues,
We hope you and your loved ones are safe during these difficult times.
This month’s Management Tips hopes to provide helpful, practical tips and considerations when completing a Transitional Return-to-Work (TRTW) Agreement. The Return-To-Work (RTW) Program supports the mission of the university by maximizing human and financial resources and complying with applicable Federal, State, and UC disability regulations. The RTW Program achieves this by providing uniformity, and by coordinating the program to help UCLA staff and faculty who have injuries or illnesses stay at work or return to work as soon as possible. Departments should try to keep an employee at work, where possible, by modifying the job during a period of recuperation.
For assistance with modifying the job and completing a Transitional Return-to-Work (TRTW) Agreement, contact the Insurance & Risk Management RTW Coordinator at (310) 794-6955. Remember, if an employee is being accommodated with a modified job, a TRTW Agreement is necessary, and the department must require the employee to provide updated work status slips after each medical appointment. Please view the TRTW Agreement Template for tips when completing each section of the TRTW and for more information, visit Insurance & Risk Management's Return-to-Work page.

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