Two cohorts of the UCLA Administration Leadership Program recently celebrated their graduation with a ceremony at the Covel Commons Grand Horizon Room. Graduates of Leadership 2029 and Leadership 2032 completed the 18-month talent initiative program and developed capstone projects to further Administration’s strategic themes and goals.
Leadership 2029’s projects include Monthly Management Tips, a series of articles with tools and resources to help managers succeed, which received an award at the 2022 UCLA Administration Leadership Forum (an annual event resulting from a capstone project by the Leadership 2027 team). Meanwhile, another team from the 2029 cohort developed a video for Facilities Management Design & Project Management to educate clients on their construction project process and enhance the customer experience.

Diana Cortez, Chuan Michael Chang, Tirzah Nuno
Still in the planning stages are Leadership 2032’s projects, which include an Administration Recognition Program to enhance employee satisfaction, bolster retention and encourage professional growth. Additionally, a partnership between UCLA Dining and UCPD to give away surplus food through sustainable outreach is being developed by another team. The goal is to help the police department build relationships across campus while continuing to help the university meet its zero-waste goals and initiatives.
Chuan Michael Chang, an executive chef with Housing & Hospitality, appreciated the professional insights that he gained from the program. “Leadership 2032 taught me how to understand my leadership style and realize that we are not alone in facing our daily challenges,” he said.
The UCLA Administration Leadership Program is managed by Organizational Effectiveness & Development and aligns mid-level leadership development with future organizational strategy and direction. Its overarching goal is to strengthen the talent pipeline by growing critical leadership skills and capabilities within UCLA Administration.